The crew of KC Coring and Cutting are highly trained to complete precise, intricate cuts. One of our specialties is concrete core drilling. Let’s discuss the necessity of concrete core drilling. We’ll explain how the process is used in various industries and why you should only hire a company with a ton of experience to complete these sometimes tricky cuts.
What is concrete coring?
Concrete coring makes openings in concrete floor slabs, walls, ceilings, and other surfaces. The process starts with highly-trained, OSHA-certified workers. They use specialized and well-maintained equipment to drill holes to any depth that are a quarter-inch to 66 inches in diameter. Special equipment can also be used to create access to both sides.
Concrete drilling can be done in new construction and renovation projects. The concrete coring equipment can be used in homes, businesses, on highways, and more. Concrete cutting can be done inside or outside, above ground or below ground. It can even be done underwater.
What are the uses for concrete core drilling?
There are many reasons you may need to hire a company for concrete core drilling. Here are some of the most common:
Installation of HVAC systems
Installation of electrical lines or communication cabling
Creating an opening for a maintenance hole or utility hole
Installation of plumbing, sewer lines, or floor drains
Creating holes for handrails or anchors
Creating holes for construction openings
Collect core samples to analyze materials
For landscaping purposes
What materials can be cut through?
While many coring projects involve steel-reinforced concrete, it can also be done on pre-cast concrete, asphalt, masonry, stone, and metal.
How do you pick a concrete coring company?
Many factors go into choosing a concrete coring company. Here are some things to look for when hiring a crew for the job.
There’s a lot to be said for experience when hiring a company for concrete coring. After all, it’s a job that needs to be done right the first time. There are no do-overs in this industry.
KC Coring and Cutting has been serving the Kansas City area for decades. We have seen it all and done it all. Even though our crews have had a lot of experience, they face each job as a new challenge.
Safety Rating
Look for a company with a top-notch safety rating. After all, cutting through concrete can be a risky process. We have to examine the integrity of the structure and keep in mind the safety of those in the surrounding area.
KC Coring and Cutting places workplace safety as our number one priority. We have a full-time Safety Director and Director of Risk Control Services who oversee the training of every staff member. These individuals are committed to providing a safe environment for the clients, other crews, and our own employees.
Do you have a concrete coring project that needs to be done by someone with experience who prioritizes safety? Reach out to KC Coring and Cutting for a free quote.