Our previous blogs have focused mainly on our work in the construction, renovation, and demolition industries. We have informed you about our specialty services, including core drilling, Brokk demolition, and wall sawing. While most of our work involves work on structures, we thought you might be interested to know about another aspect of our business. KC Coring and Cutting works with landscape companies to help create beautiful outdoor gathering places for KC home and business owners.
Here are some types of projects that we have teamed up with landscape companies to complete.
We Cut Rocks and Boulders for Water Features
It takes skill and specialty equipment to cut rocks and boulders for water features. Precise cuts need to be made to make sure uneven rocks and boulders sit securely. It also takes great skill and precision to drill holes through rocks that will be used in fountains.
Our crew can help make a landscaper’s design become a reality. Of course, if you, as a homeowner or business owner, has an idea on how to beautify your outdoor living space, give us a call.
We Cut Rocks and Stones in Unique Shapes for Your Yard
In the midwest, we love to use beautiful rocks and stones to outline flower beds, mark boundary lines, create retaining walls, and line driveways. But sometimes a beautiful rock is not in the right shape for a particular project.
KC Coring and Cutting can help your landscaper create the look you want. Let us assist by cutting the stones or rocks into an appropriate shape.
We Cut Concrete to Form a Patio or Path
For some crazy reason, midwesterners have always been enamored by the idea of yellow brick roads and other types of paths. We also love grilling KC strips and smoking briskets while enjoying a few beverages while sitting on our concrete patios with neighbors. This is the midwestern way of life.
We Remove Old Concrete From Yards
Some jobs are too big for even the most ardent do-it-yourselfers. Breaking up and removing old slabs of concrete falls into this category. Even if you have enough muscle to break up the concrete (and still be able to walk the next day), removing the debris is a different story.
KC Coring and Cutting can assist KC property owners and landscaping companies with the destruction and removal of old concrete. Don’t break your back working on the project yourself, only to realize that removing the pieces from the property seems next to impossible.
Our team is ready to work. Safety has always been our number one priority. Now that we are in the midst of a pandemic, we are taking extra precautions to ensure our customers, other crews, and our team are protected. We check temperatures every morning, and our trucks and equipment are sanitized after every use.
Do you need help in creating an outdoor oasis for your home or business? Give KC Coring and Cutting a call at 816-523-2015.